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Alternative Spring Break

"Chasing the American Dream": Alternative Spring Break Trip 2022
In spring 2022, the Office of Inclusion & Social Justice (OISJ) at Xavier University of Louisiana organized a life-changing service trip to New York City, titled “Chasing the American Dream.” This seven-day immersive experience allowed 18 civically engaged scholars to explore the systemic inequities that influence the American Dream for marginalized community members. These scholars gave up their Mardi Gras in pursuit of making our world more just and humane. Generously sponsored in part by Gilead Sciences, the trip became a powerful journey of service, learning, and leadership for Xavier’s students.

Pre-Trip Workshops

Leading up to the trip, participants took part in six pre-trip workshop sessions that laid the foundation for their understanding of key social issues. These workshops covered Poverty & Food InsecurityCriminal Justice & Mass IncarcerationLGBTQIA+ and Women/Gender Issues, and Health & Educational Access, providing students with the context needed to engage thoughtfully with the communities they would serve.

  • Session #1 – Wednesday February 2, 2022 : Workshop Title: "Hunger & Inequality: Exploring Poverty and Food Insecurity in Urban America"
  • Session #2 – Wednesday February 9, 2022 : "Breaking the Chains: Criminal Justice & Mass Incarceration is Everyone’s Issue”
  • Session #3 – Wednesday February 16, 2022: "Amplifying Voices: LGBTQIA+ and Women’s Rights"
  • Session #4 – Wednesday February 23, 2022 : "Bridging the Gap: Health & Educational Access”

“Somebody who normally functions well in our broken system can also function and be adjacent to the problem. Making a difference doesn't always have to be super radical - it can mean doing service at a soup kitchen.” -Azhaela Hanson C/0 2022

Supporting our communities through vaccine education and equity
Support for Communities

Thought-Provoking Dialogue:

During the trip, the students collaborated with respected organizations like the Council of the People’s OrganizationGod’s Love We DeliverBrooklyn Hospital Center, and The Door. At God’s Love We Deliver, students helped prepare and deliver meals to individuals suffering from severe illnesses, addressing the urgent issue of food insecurity among the city’s most vulnerable. At Brooklyn Hospital Center, they engaged with healthcare professionals to understand the intersection of health equity and social justice. Their work at The Door focused on empowering marginalized youth, helping them gain access to vital educational resources and support services.

Building Bridges of Understanding:

In addition to hands-on service, the group engaged in rich dialogues with activists, educators, and community leaders, gaining critical insight into the structural barriers facing marginalized communities in their pursuit of the American Dream. These conversations sparked deep reflection on the role of grassroots efforts and advocacy in achieving long-term social change.

Materials for Vaccine Education

Inspiring Change:

“There’s a role of Higher Education to give young people the tools to recreate systems that look more closely like the American Dream – where everyone has enough” – Vice President Curtis Wright

“ This trip wasn't just an educational experience; it was a call to action. It ignited a passion within us to become agents of change in our own communities. We left New York City with a renewed commitment to social justice and a deeper understanding of the power of collective action.” Glenn Caston, Deputy Chief Inclusion Officer

A key highlight of the trip’s success was the creation of XU Talks, modeled after TED Talks, where the students returned to Xavier University to share their experiences and insights with the broader campus community. Through these presentations, the students described the systemic problems they encountered in New York City and outlined the shared responsibility we all have in addressing social inequities. The XU Talks platform allowed the scholars to educate and inspire their peers, emphasizing the importance of active participation in the fight for equity and justice.

Supporting our communities through vaccine education and equity
Support for Communities

Reflections and Takeaways: The “Chasing the American Dream” trip was not only a transformative experience for the students involved but also a testament to Xavier University’s commitment to preparing future leaders who are passionate about social justice and community engagement. By fostering ethical leadership, critical reflection, and active citizenship, the Office of Inclusion & Social Justice empowered these students to return home as advocates ready to create positive change.

Continuing the Journey: The OISJ is dedicated to fostering a culture of social justice on our campus and beyond. We believe that education is a powerful tool for change, and we encourage all students to explore opportunities for civic engagement and social justice activism.

Materials for Vaccine Education

Thank You!

This extraordinary trip was made possible by the support of Gilead Sciences and the unwavering dedication of the OISJ team. The impact of the service, learning, and reflection that took place continues to resonate across Xavier’s campus and the communities these scholars serve.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the organizations and individuals who made this trip possible. Your support and guidance were invaluable.

Organization Partners:

council of peoples org
gods love we deliver
the brooklyn hospital
the door


Interested in learning more about the OISJ and our programs? Visit Room 305 in the University Center!

(504) 520-7156