
是澳门新葡京博彩的药房吗.D. 程序 Right for Me? |苏拉·科普

是澳门新葡京博彩的药房吗.D. 程序 Right for Me?

你对科学感兴趣,想在卫生保健领域工作吗? Do you enjoy helping others? If so, a career as a pharmacist might be right for you. With a Doctor of 制药acy (制药.D.) from Xavier University of Louisiana, 你可以通过以病人为中心的护理来帮助消除健康差距, community service and scholarly work.

How to Pick a 大学

Choosing the best pharmacy school is an important decision. Here are five tips on how to pick a college that’s right for you:

  1. What type of pharmacy career are you seeking?
  2. 你就读的顶级学校是否有校友在这类组织工作的历史?
  3. 教师们对这些职业有第一手的知识或经验吗?

  1. 典型的药房.D. 学位课程包括三年的教学学习和一年的体验式学习.
  2. Some institutions offer the opportunity to earn a second 学位, such as a master’s in a related health field, alongside your Doctor of 制药acy.

  1. 顶尖的药学专业拥有丰富多样的知识和经验. 查看学院网站上的教员资格证书和发表的作品.
  2. 最好的药学院是经过教育认证的,并为你提供实践学习的机会,为你的职业生涯获得重要的经验.
  3. 不要忘记询问课堂外的支持和学生的学习成果.

  1. What size town or city surroundings do you prefer?
  2. What is the cost of living?
  3. Is the campus community highly competitive or mutually supportive?
  4. Do alumni remain active and accessible?

How Long Does it Take to Become a 制药acist?

When asking, “How long does it take to become a pharmacist?” it’s important to consider the level of knowledge, 技能, 正确照顾病人所需要的专业精神和道德毅力. This starts with your education.
Pre-pharmacy study can take two to three years to complete. 然后,通常需要四个学年才能完成一个顶级药学项目. 所有的药学院都提供包括课堂教学在内的课程, hands-on labs and experiential training in community, hospital and clinical pharmacy.
As your education advances, 你将在临床环境和更大的卫生保健系统中承担更多的病人护理责任. 顶尖的药学专业也可能提供选择专业的机会.
毕业后,你需要通过NAPLEX考试才能在美国执业.S. 每个州都有自己的法律考试(多州药房法学考试- MPJE)。.

What Can You Do With a Doctor of 制药acy?

药剂学博士学位是您在零售环境之外走向多样化和有益职业的途径. 用你的药.D. 学位 from Xavier 大学 of 制药acy, you can pursue jobs in hospitals, 诊所, 学术界, research and government agencies. This includes opportunities in:
•专业领域, 如核药学(利用放射性物质增进健康)或营养药学(利用补充营养增进健康).
•医疗事务, 这涉及到为卫生保健提供者开发文件和材料.

Learn more about Xavier University’s Doctor of 制药acy.

Join a Top 制药acy 程序 at Xavier University

At Xavier University 大学 of 制药acy, you’ll graduate with the knowledge, 具备在制药行业担任各种职位的技能和经验.
我们的制药.D. 该计划旨在通过鼓励和支持所有学生的入学来增加专业的多样性, particularly minority students. 作为澳门新葡京博彩大学的学生,你会在每一步都得到支持和指导.

• Small class sizes that encourage collaboration and foster community
• 研究 opportunities that engage you with hands-on learning
• Individual tutoring and on-campus career fairs

